The Mérens: Some guidance
You are contemplating the purchase of a Mérens horse.
Congratulations ! Your dream is soon to become true and your Mérens horse will be your faithful companion for outings, driving, working and leisure.

But do you know how to ride a horse? If not take a few lessons. Do you know how to drive a horse? Learning is a must! As well as this, you are responsible for your horse, its food, its well being, its life! Therefore, you must ask yourself a few questions.
Where will your horse be kept?
The ideal is to have a piece of well fenced field, with a shelter it can get in and out of and a source of water .Ideally, it should not be too isolated as the foals need to play.
What are you planning to feed it on?
If it is in a field with grass, there is no problem.
If not it will need 12 kg of hay per day. Supplements are necessary only if the horse works or if it is still growing .Suggestion: 2 kg of barley, flattened or soaked, 300gr of flax (or soya ) and 60 gr of minerals rich in calcium, clean water always available.
Important interventions
Worming: twice a year, spring and autumn, alternate the active ingredients.
Flu-tetanus vaccine: remember once a year.
Farrier: shoes are only necessary if your horse is working on uneven ground or on bitumen. Otherwise, trim the hooves 3or 4 times a year.
How to choose your future companion?
A crucial question! The character is more important than the gender .On the other hand it is more important that you try out your horse, saddled or in harness. If you feel unable to do so, get a professional to mount the horse in your presence. Check that it will let you approach it confidently, that it will give you its feet and accepts being tethered. Check it has papers showing it SIRE registration details and check it is the very same horse (check the physical description and the electronic chip in it neck). Also check if its vaccination is up to date and the state of its hooves.
What are your guarantees?
If your horse has papers, it means it is registered in the Stud book and the produce of a proper horse breeding centre (not a crooked horse dealer and all that entails)
Then you will have at the Domaine de Sié, for each horse a sale contract which brings you a number of safeguards: conditions of sale, conditions of transport etc you will also be able to get an invoice.
Our goal? Your satisfaction and the best horse and rider match.